Project Activities

Apply to the Clinic for the Prevention of Discrimination

The Center for Women’s Studies invites everyone who is interested to apply for the educational program/training called Clinic for the Prevention of Discrimination which is held as part of the project AD ACTE – Anti-discrimination ACtions Towards Equality of women and men.

▼ if you want to learn why sex discrimination is the most common form of discrimination ▼ if you want to learn what is multiple discrimination ▼ if experiential work and volunteering are important in your self-education ▼ if you know little about ethnicity and religion as bases of discrimination▼ if you are interested in the mechanisms for preventing discrimination ▼

▼ if you are interested in learning about the work of non-governmental organizations that promote human rights,

apply for training at the Clinic for the Prevention of Discrimination organized by the Center for Women’s Studies.

Participation requirements:
completed secondary education, a sent application and a letter of motivation, and willingness to participate in the entire program from April to July 2012.

The application should contain:
name, surname, occupation and contact info (address, e-mail and telephone number)
the applicant’s short CV
a letter of motivation (1-2 standard pages) with an explanation why you want to participate in the training

Applications are to be sent by email: by April 9, 2012.

Answers to any of your questions may also be obtained by telephone: +385 (1) 48 72 406. The contact person is Jasminka Pešut. For more about the AD ACTE project, see:


Training/educational program: Clinic for the Prevention of Discrimination

Head: Snježana Vasiljević
Executers: Mario Vinković and Ivana Radačić

Provides an insight into various research issues and perspectives in the field of equality, diversity and anti-discrimination. At the center of the module are different concepts of discrimination and anti-discriminatory public policy measures. The consideration of discrimination will also include multiple discrimination and a special focus will be put on considering sex-, racially-, ethnicity- and religion-based forms of discrimination. The module will pay special attention to feminist approaches to discrimination and to the issue of human rights in the international legal order, as well as insights into non-institutional practices in the protection from discrimination, especially sex or ethnicity based.

The AIM of the training/educational program
To raise the participants’ awareness about the prevalence and harms of discrimination, to introduce them to the laws that are in force and the possibilities of existing legal protection as well as direct protection from discrimination in the framework of civil society organizations. Furthermore, the aim is to encourage critical thinking and linking theoretical issues with personal experiential knowledge, and to provide an insight into the causes of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination, but also into the different social policy measures in that field (on a global, European and national level), and into the consequences of discrimination on the individual and the community. The participants will acquire knowledge on the causes of discrimination and will be given a chance to connect what they have learned with the basic experiential insights into anti-discriminatory mechanisms and practices.

Thematic sections:
1. Discrimination – the concept, meaning and forms 2. The theories and concepts of equality 3. Feminist approaches to discrimination 4. Women’s rights in the international legal order 5. Discrimination in the labour market 6. Social policies and the labour market (a gender and racial discrimination overview) 7. The concept and meaning of multiple discrimination

Work mode:
The program consists of two interconnected parts, the theoretical and the practical. The theoretical part lasts seven weeks and includes 7 double sessions and 2 workshops. The practical part consists of 20 hours of volunteer work in one of the non-governmental organizations that deal with the protection from discrimination.

Dynamics and intensity
Lectures will be held once a week, Mondays, starting from April 16 2012. The program is free.

Press Conference – September 27

On Tuesday, September 27, 2011, at 11am at the Center for Women’s Studies, a press conference will be held at which campaigns for promoting the participation of women in the elections will be presented, implemented by the Center for Women’s Studies and CESI – Center for Education, Counseling and Research, together with partner organizations B.a.B.e., Domine, Delfin and CGI Poreč. This year’s campaigns are directed at political party leaderships as those most responsible for drawing up electoral lists and defining party politics.

The advocacy campaign of the Center for Women’s Studies Ad Acta – Stop Gender Discrimination on Electoral Lists with the slogan “There are More Women” is part of the two-year project AD ACTE – Anti-Discrimination ACtions Towards Equality of women and men, which is implemented in partnership with the CEE Network for Gender Issues and in collaboration with the Serbian National Council, with financial support from the European Union and the Office for Gender Equality.

The press conference will be moderated by Jasminka Pešut from the Center for Women’s Studies, and the campaigns will be presented by:

Zorica Siročić, Center for Women’s Studies,
Tajana Broz, CESI,
Mirjana Kučer, Domine.

The program of the roundtable Gender policies in the context of the forthcoming elections and EU membership

Zagreb, October 25, 2011. // Novinarski dom

11:00 – 11:30 Participant registration

11:30 – 11:45 Rada Borić, executive director of the Center for Women’s Studies, Zagreb
The organizers’ introduction

11:45 – 12:05 Astrid Thors, Swedish People’s Party, Finland
Finnish women, first in the world to be MPs, still need a women’s parliamentary network

12:05 – 12:25 Sonja Lokar, CEE Network for Gender Issues, Slovenia
You cannot bring back a missed opportunity!

12:25 – 12:45 Josip Šipić, Economic Institute, Zagreb
Right-wing parties’ politics of motherhood

12:45 – 13:15 Discussion

13:15 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:20 Ana Lovrin, president of the Justice Committee of the Croatian Parliament
Gender policies of HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) with a special focus on the party’s program in the forthcoming general elections

14:20 – 14:40 Gordana Sobol, president of the Gender Equality Committee of the Croatian Parliament
The Social Democratic Party’s approach to gender policies

14:40 –15:00 Tajana Broz, CESI – Center for Education, Counseling and Research, Zagreb
Gender (un)awareness of party programs

15:00 – 16:00 Conclusion and discussion

Moderator: Marjeta Šinko, Center for Women’s Studies / Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb

The roundtable is part of the project AD ACTE – Anti-Discrimination ACtions Towards Equality of women and men, implemented in partnership with the CEE Network for Gender Issues from Slovenia and in collaboration with the Serbian National Council.

New National Policies Presented

On October 19, 2011, at the Westin’s Crystal Ballroom, the Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia publically presented two important documents: the National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality for the period 2011 – 2015, and the translation of the Strategy of Equality between Women and Men 2010 – 2015, adopted by the European Commission. The documents were presented by the Head of the Office Helena Štimac Radin, the EU Delegation in Croatia representative Paolo Berizzi, and the Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, and also present were the representatives of civil society organizations, government bodies, local commissions for gender equality and other persons from the public and social life.

After Helena Štimac Radin’s introductory words, Paolo Berizzi presented the Strategy and as the greatest challenge named labor market equality, that is, creating opportunities where the highest positions will be open to women. Realizing equal pay for equal work still remains a major task, and this disparity in the EU amounts to 18%. He also commended Croatia’s efforts and advancement in the field of gender equality. Jadranka Kosor emphasized that despite a good legislative framework, we are still far from the 40% representation of women in Parliament, and that the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) will certainly comply with the Gender Equality Act when creating electoral lists. She also commented on the protection of particularly sensitive groups of women, such as victims of violence, national minority members, especially Roma girls and women, and women with disabilities.