Public Policies

National Plan to Combat Discrimination 2008 – 2013

World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, which Croatia participated in, was held in Durban in 2001. This conference resulted in the adoption of the Declaration and Action Plan for its implementation, by which the participating countries committed themselves to adopting a special national document that will determine the goals and work out the measures for eliminating discrimination, and especially in regard to suppressing and sanctioning discrimination in particular areas.

In fulfilling this commitment, the Republic of Croatia opted for adopting particular strategies, plans and policies for specific areas. These documents determine the measures for the protection of especially vulnerable social groups and ensuring their equal participation in society. This National Plan to Combat Discrimination 2008 – 2013 determines the existing situation, sets future goals and plans measures for their realization in order to upgrade the current system of protection against discrimination.

National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality 2011–2015


The National Policy for the Promotion of Gender Equality for the period 2011-2015 builds on the previous National Policy 2006-2010 (NN, No. 114/06), redefining national priorities, ways of implementation and undertaking specific measures in accordance with the changed social and political circumstances, the achieved progress and further challenges in establishing genuine gender equality. It contains seven key areas of action and obliges the Republic of Croatia to include a gender dimension into all policy areas by implementing special measures relating to:

  1. promoting women’s human rights
  2. creating equal opportunities in the labour market
  3. improving the implementation of gender sensitive education and upbringing
  4. balancing the participation of women and men in processes of political and public decision-making
  5. preventing all forms of violence against women
  6. promoting international cooperation and gender equality outside Croatia, and
  7. further strengthening of institutional mechanisms and methods of implementation